The Good Shark is proud to support the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy
White sharks are powerful creatures, capable of top speeds of 35 miles per hour, and their status as an apex predator underscores their responsibility to healthy ecosystems. These animals, which can grow up to 4,500lb, play a critical regulatory role by influencing the abundance, distribution, and behavior of prey species.
We speak often about the impact white sharks have on us as a brand - How they inspired this project, how their movements, and characteristics define our garments. Playing a vital role in our brand mission it’s essential we play a vital role in protecting white sharks.

Today, we are proud to announce our growing support for the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC). Based in Chatham, Massachusetts the AWSC is committed to the facilitation of a healthy coexistence between humans and sharks. Their team conducts groundbreaking science while working with local and government officials to provide key information to area communities.
Starting with a buoy sponsorship and expanding over time we are excited to join with the AWSC in their mission. AWSC buoys carry research equipment that captures data on the movement patterns of White Sharks off the coast of Cape Cod and beyond. Many of the sharks are tagged, some are named, and understanding their movements helps the AWSC continue their work in educating us all.
As our relationship deepens, we hope to extend more opportunities for you to continue to lead the current. For now, we hope you’ll explore the AWSC’s website and perhaps make contributions to their cause as we have.
Our journey with this project continues as does and our endless endeavor to lead the current. It is our immense pleasure to do so alongside the AWSC.
About the AWSC
The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) is a Massachusetts-based non-profit, founded in 2012. The organization’s mission is to support scientific research, improve public safety, and educate the community to inspire white shark conservation. AWSC’s vision is to facilitate healthy coexistence between humans and sharks. AWSC works in collaboration with sharks, scientists, community partners, and public and government officials to provide the most comprehensive publicly available information on white sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. The nonprofit conducts groundbreaking white shark research in collaboration with Dr. Greg Skomal of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. Science-based information is shared with the public through education programs, school curricula, outreach events and interactive exhibits at the organization’s two visitor centers on Cape Cod.
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